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At J11, we're ushering in a new era of innovation with our Gen AI service.

We prioritise the fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence. Our team of Content Creators are dedicated to infusing emotion, creativity, and consciousness into every project we undertake with Gen AI.

This collaboration fosters a dynamic creative exchange between human and machine. By working together, we can push the boundaries of creativity and explore innovative approaches to content generation that may not have been possible otherwise.

We therefore don't see Gen AI as a replacement for traditional content creation methods; rather, it's a powerful tool that enhances and amplifies our team’s creativity, enables swift production turnaround, and supports our sustainable production practices.

For us, the sky's the limit. Gen AI isn't just about pushing boundaries; it's about reshaping the landscape of imagination itself. However, we only integrate Gen AI when it brings tangible value to the table, preserving the essence of authentic storytelling and craftsmanship.


At the end of last year, J11 was appointed by luxury London jeweller, David Morris, to produce a digital gifting campaign using artificial intelligence.

The concept was inspired by the delight of peeking inside one of David Morris’s rose-hued boxes, and harnessing the latest AI technology to create a captivating alternate reality. 

A model embarks on a journey through a multiverse of fantasy lands, each one influenced by the house’s giftable fine jewellery collections. The team chose to use a real model, jewellery and props, set against a backdrop of unique, AI environments.

why j11?

Visual Expertise:

Our in-house professionals in photography, animation, and cinematography possess a deep understanding of visual composition, lighting, and aesthetics. This expertise allows them to provide high-quality input to guide the AI in generating visually stunning and impactful content.

Creative Direction:

We bring our creative vision and storytelling skills to the table. We can effectively communicate concepts, themes, and moods to the AI system(s) being used, ensuring that the generated content aligns with the desired artistic direction of the project.

Technical Knowledge:

The J11 team have a strong grasp of the technical aspects of image and video production. This includes knowledge of camera settings, post-processing techniques, and software tools. Leveraging this technical knowledge, we can optimise the input parameters for the AI model to achieve the desired output.

Feedback Loop:

Our Prompt Engineers can provide iterative feedback on the AI-generated content, refining and fine-tuning the results to better meet the project's objectives. Their expertise allows them to identify areas for improvement and guide the AI towards producing more accurate and compelling output over time.

Quality Assurance:

Our experience and knowledge plays a crucial role in quality assurance, ensuring that the AI-generated content meets the highest standards of excellence. Our trained eye can spot inconsistencies, errors, or artifacts in the output and take corrective measures to maintain the integrity and credibility of the final product.

Artistic Integrity:

By involving professionals, such as J11, in the creative process, there's a greater assurance of maintaining artistic integrity and authenticity in the AI-generated content. Our team can infuse their unique style, perspective, and artistic sensibilities into the project, resulting in content that resonates with the audience on a deeper level.